eCactus Solar


Why Should You Consider Home Battery Storage Without Solar?

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Home Battery Storage Without Solar

When it comes to Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), you could be forgiven for believing that these nifty devices are dependent on solar as their primary usage. However, what people do not realise is that BESS are fully capable of being functional devices without the inclusion of solar/photovoltaic systems providing them with energy.

Not only is this the case, but there are many reasons that support the exclusion of solar as a completely viable and beneficial option. This blog post will explore why you should consider home battery storage without solar.

A Brief Overview of Battery Energy Storage Systems

If you’re reading this post, then the chances are you already know what a Battery Energy Storage System is. But, for the sake of clarity, let’s have a brief overview. 

In simple terms, a BESS stores electricity from energy sources like the grid or renewable energy sources to be used at a later time when demand is high or can also be used during power outages.

Most people pair these systems with solar panels, but this is not the only way to use them. As mentioned, the grid is also a primary source of energy for these systems, and there are numerous benefits which might make it a better alternative to solar.

Independence From Solar Power Availability

The most obvious benefit that the grid has compared to solar is that, unlike solar, the grid is not reliant on sunlight for energy. Instead, the systems can store power whenever it is available from the grid, providing consistent energy availability regardless of the weather or time of the day. This flexibility makes home battery storage without solar a viable solution for homes located in areas where sunlight is limited.

Ability to Meet High Power Demands

While solar energy systems can save up power made during the day for use in busier periods, there’s a limit to how much extra power they can store. The size of your solar setup and how much sun you get can really affect how much energy you can save for later.

With grid power, you don’t have this limit. The grid can keep giving power to a BESS, no matter how much power you use. So, for homes with high power needs that are more than what solar panels can usually give, especially when there’s not much sun, grid power can be a good backup plan.

No Solar Maintenance and Lower Upfront Costs

One nice thing about having a standalone BESS is that you don’t have to worry about the costs and work that go with solar power.

Sure, solar panels are great, but they also come with their own costs and responsibilities. To keep them working well, they need regular cleaning and check-ups which can add up in time and money.

Also, installing solar panels can be expensive from the start with a hefty upfront price. However, if you choose home battery storage without solar, you can skip these costs.  You can still enjoy saving money, having flexibility, and storing energy.

Another upside to a standalone BESS is that it’s easier to set up. It doesn’t need space on your roof, and you don’t have to go through the tricky process of installing solar panels. If you’re looking to get into renewable energy, but want an easy and less costly choice, a standalone BESS is a good way to go.

The Legal Hurdle of Solar

Another thing that often gets overlooked is the legal aspect of solar for households. Incorporating solar into homes isn’t just about the practical considerations; they also come with potentially complex and time-consuming legal considerations.

For example, putting up solar panels often means getting special permission from local authorities. This can be a real headache, especially if you live in certain areas or types of houses. Getting this permission isn’t easy. It involves filling out detailed forms and talking with the local planning department which can lead to delays and extra costs.

It gets trickier if you live in special areas, like protected zones or listed buildings, where there are tight rules about solar panels. There might be extra safety rules too, like how far the panels must be from your property line.

This becomes another important reason why opting for a standalone Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) without solar can be more beneficial.

In summary, solar panels definitely have their place in the move towards a sustainable future. However, as discussed in this blog post, there are several reasons to support the decision to adopt home battery storage without solar. Whether your home is suitable for a home battery storage system with or without solar is something that you should strongly consider before investing.

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